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This section contains the game development tools and programming languages I have used and learned throughout my degree, through self study and internship periods. 



I had a brief introduction to Unreal Engine during one of my elective subjects. Now, I am learning more about Unreal through tutorials that could be found online. Although it is not as familiar with me as Unity, given time and guidance, I will master it.


Unity Engine was my first and most familiar engine. Most of the projects that I've done were done using Unity Engine. If I had to rate my expertise in the usage of Unity Engine, I would sit comfortably at an intermediate level.


Microsoft Visual Studios is my main used IDE. Throughout all 3 years of my studies at University and other self projects, all of my codes and programming were done using Visual Studios.

Programming Languages

C# and C++ were the first two languages I learned during my degree. I'm well versed in both languages, and could flex between the two. 

JavaScript and HTML were the two new languages I learned during my internship. I am not as proficient with both nor have I used them in a game engine before. However, I would say I do know the basic syntaxes of both languages .

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